Our Mission

We believe it is time to change the way Diabetes is managed.

Using new technologies, we want to improve systematic screening of pre-diabetes and diabetes patient and reverse the process when it is still time.

For the existing diabetic patients, we bring an entire platform focusing on managing their complications and improve their outcomes.

Early detection, early management of the complications, implementation of wellness and diet program where individual remain engage are the fore front of our mission.

Our goal is to bring diagnostics technologies, software and Artificial Intelligence (AI) together to improve population’s health.

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Our Team

We bring together a unique collaboration between entrepreneurs, doctors, software engineer, and statisticians to create a new path in healthcare management.

Our medical board:

Team member
Dr.Richard Newman
MD, Neurologist.
Team member
Dr.Pratiksha Gandhy
MD, Cardiologist.
Team member
Dr.Muhammed Khan
MD, Internist.