Diabetes Complications Solutions

EECP – CVD Solution

EECP / ECP is a non-invasive treatment for coronary artery disease. EECP / ECP is the first non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical or mechanical treatment approved by the US FDA for patients with chest pain, heart failure and congestive heart failure. EECP / ECP essentially is a heart therapy without the side-effects of heart surgery. What ECP / EECP therapy does is it helps to increase blood supply throughout the body, with benefits that tend to remain for years together. EECP / ECP therapy works by creating collateral circulation around blocked arteries, i.e. it essentially works to create a “natural bypass” around the arteries.

Because of increased blood flow and pressure during EECP / ECP there is high pressure exerted on the open coronary arteries and lower pressure in closed arteries. So, the blood finds its way to the low-pressure zone or area, which has the decreased blood supply, by opening the collaterals. These collaterals eventually become permanent.

EECP / ECP also tends to improve your endothelial cell function (the cells that line your coronary arteries), which determine your chance of getting heart attacks.

EECP / ECP increases blood-flow to the muscles of the heart that are not receiving enough blood supply. EECP / ECP thus works to create a “natural bypass”.

Besides improving collateral circulation and creating a natural bypass, the International Registry of EECP / ECP Patients has data to support the following benefits of ECP/EECP treatment:

  • Decreased episodes of Angina
  • Decreased use of Nitroglycerine
  • 85% increase in angina classification, by class 1
  • 55% increase in angina classification, by class 2
  • Improvement in Exercise Time
  • Improvement in overall quality of life, mood and feeling of well-being

Stress Thallium scans show an improvement in blood supply. Other benefits of EECP / ECP include, a lowering of serum cholesterol levels, lowering of serum blood sugar levels, lowering of blood pressure in hypertensive patients, etc.

With a network of few hundred locations in the US we can easily assist any of your diabetic patient to access to this effective and proven treatment. Depending on the insurance and the clinical context of the patient, this therapy can be covered.

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