120 years of medicine and
caring experience evolving for your wellness

Dolor tellus, fringilla venenatis mauris blandit eu. Nunc faucibus elit vitae vulputate tempus.
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Why choose a Diabetes Care Management platform?

Since complications of diabetes are the causes of the increased mortality we come to believe that focusing on the management of diabetes complications is the right things to do.

Using cutting edge technologies, we have created an integrative platform that take Diabetes as a chronic disease, and therefore a cluster of conditions. Our platform aims to bring a new dynamic approach in Diabetes management and make a difference on the way diabetes is screened and managed.

Physician have access to a turn key system, we bring all the diagnostics equipment, processes and IT expertise to run our Diabetes program smoothly without disrupting the clinic flow.

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1Banner image
Experienced specialists
Fusce nulla nisl, elementum
Nulla id consectetur lectus, quis dapibus mi. In tincidunt velit vitae lorem scelerisque.
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Advanced investigations
In bibendum sed erat at sagittis
Vivamus id malesuada risus. Aenean sit amet nisl enim. Phasellus libero magna, hendrerit.
3Banner image
Leading-edge technologies
Duis accumsan lorem a nisi
Sit amet elit egestas ipsum mattis suscipit. Fusce rhoncus est a posuere tempus.

Stable care and attention
to the patients make a good record

Constant care and attention to the patients makes good record Cras fringilla nulla et augue feugiat, ac interdum diam sagittis. In ut laoreet mauris. Integer convallis leo vel ullamcorper maximus. Nunc in quam vitae orci dictum volutpat a in velit.

       John Jefferson, chief medical officer.

Diabetes is everywhere, and it is growing rapidly.

Despite government’s measures and the effort of numerous associations, Diabetes is touching today over 26 million citizens in the US. Furthermore, approximately one-third of the individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus are undiagnosed.

Early detection of diabetes is warranted for preventing disease progression and its associated macrovascular and microvascular complications.

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Currently used screening tests for type 2 diabetes mellitus are invasive, time-consuming, and have other disadvantages. For example, when used as a sole screening test for type 2 diabetes mellitus, the sensitivity of FPG can be as low as 40% whereas the specificity is about 84%, and the sensitivity of GHb ranges from 17% to 72.8%. Therefore, better screening tools for pre-diabetes and diabetes is needed.

Most of today Diabetes management is centered on controlling level of blood glucose but Diabetes is a chronic disease and glucose is only one part of the deadly puzzle.

One of the most recognized study in the field of Diabetes management is called the Accor Study. This study showed that today’s method is not effective in reducing mortality and morbidity rate. Meaning that despite controlling blood glucose level, this chronic disease continues to kill millions.

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Small Fiber Neuropathy

Sudomotor testing is used in the clinical setting to evaluate and document neuropathic disturbances that may be associated with pain….

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Cardiovascular Diseases
Peripheral Artery Diseases

Ankle Brachial Index is a non-invasive, quick test that has been shown to be a specific and sensitive metric for the diagnosis of  (PAD)….

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Fitness and Diet Solutions
Diet and micro nutrition recommendation

Most carbohydrates come from starches, fruits, milk, and sweets. Sugars or those with refined grains, such as white bread and white rice…

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Patient pricing information
of the most common medical center services

Sed interdum metus at nisi tempor laoreet. Integer gravida orci a justo sodales, sed lobortis est placerat.
Intensive care room
Praesent eu consequat quam, eu lacinia augue
Nursery bed
Nulla eu ligula pretium, scelerisque lacus
Delivery room
Mauris ut nulla non lectus consequat egestas
In enim ante, malesuada et accumsan
Ultrasound abdomen
Pellentesque nec quam ipsum consequat
X-Ray chest front
Sed ornare tincidunt massa sed consequat
View full pricing list

Locate medical center

Phasellus ante urna, tempor non sollicitudin interdum

Phones: +1-506-454-23-03 or +1-506-454-23-04
Postal Address: PO Box 16122 Collins Street West Victoria 8007 Australia
Envato HQ: 121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

Online patient registration

Mauris nec neque rutrum, sodales augue at, tempor neque